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Preeti to Unicode Converter

प्रीतिबाट नेपाली युनिकोड

Online preeti to unicode converter is the easiest way to type in convert your preeti or kantipur font to unicode font. This Nepali unicode is widely usable in any meida, machine or browser. This can be use in chatting, emailing and many others.

तलको बक्समा प्रीति फन्टका अक्षर पेस्ट गर्नुहोस्:
माथीको प्रीति फन्ट अनुसारको युनिकोड, यो बक्समा हेर्नुहोस् :

What is Nepali unicode? It is a special which is unique or fixed set of code to display Nepali font or character. It codes roman letters in to nepali format.

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